
The ‘Invert-ables’ are a series of pictures which can be viewed either way around. Of course you can view anything any way around so I have added them all either way around. If you get board with it one way on your wall you can always turn it around. Its wonderful how our brain (?) re-makes sense of the picture.

An astute viewer will note that there is one element in each Invert-able which moves forward to the next image. This was done purposely to enable an animation to be made where one entered the first photograph and then proceeded on a magical journey moving  through the sequence without knowing you were preceding through a series of images.  A video was made of this journey with limited success due to my poor, neigh bad, rostrum camera abilities. However in this digital age it can now be made with perfection. Any offers gratefully received.

Click or Tap on a photograph to go to that Image page containing Text & Information

          (Invert-able 1) 1992

UNTITLED-08.tifInrvert-able 3(Invert-able 2) 1992

UNTITLED-12.tifUNTITLED-12.tif(Invert-able 3)  1992

Inv 4 Lamp post MasterBr CC 2Inv 4 Inv Lamp post MasterBr CC 2(Invert-able 4)  1992 Inv 5 inv CCInv 5 Br CC(Invert-able 5)  1992 (Invert-able 6)  1992 UNTITLED-13.tif(Invert-able 7)  1992 UNTITLED-14.tifUNTITLED-14.tif(Invert-able 8)  1992

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Combination print created by Hag by Combination printing.  Surreal photography.

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